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Why we believe the future of learning is working

By Team Multiverse

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  1. The old way of learning is broken
  2. Why the future of learning is working
  3. Leaders back on-the-job learning: read our latest research

The three or four years of learning that traditional higher education provides is not enough to establish or sustain a multi-decade career.

This system is failing: people aren’t equipped with the right skills they need to thrive, lacking the in-demand data and tech skills their employers so desperately need. It's making it hard to get a foot in the door, and impossible to progress in a meaningful career.

We believe the future of learning is working. That's why we're building something different. Real-world, on-the-job experience that happens throughout a career, not just at the start of it.

The old way of learning is broken

Traditional education has failed to keep up with the accelerating pace of change. 67% of business leaders don’t think higher education provides the skills needed for the workforce of tomorrow: leaving them with skills gaps that are costing time and money.

The current system doesn’t serve businesses — and it doesn’t serve everyone in society. Individuals from underrepresented backgrounds are facing barriers to secure highly in-demand tech, software engineering, and data roles due to a lack of equity and mobility in career advancement.

Why the future of learning is working

To unlock the full potential of our workforce, deliver on strategic goals for businesses, and in turn create a more equitable future, the traditional approach to learning needs to be reimagined.

At Multiverse, we believe the future of learning is working. That’s why we deliver professional apprenticeships that provide a more equitable and effective pathway to growth for individuals and organisations. A pathway where skills can be applied rapidly, in the real world.

You’re best placed to learn the skills you need for work, at work. You wouldn’t learn to ride a bike in a classroom, so we can’t keep expecting workers to learn everything they need in a textbook either.

Business leaders agree with us: 70% said that learning on the job was the most effective way to develop workforce skills.

Through apprenticeships, we can teach people in real-world settings, as they take on real projects — because active, in-context learning is the best way to set up employees for success.

Our approach helps top companies see potential where it’s often overlooked; open doors for high potential individuals, inside and outside of the company; and unlock future growth by closing their critical data, software engineering, and tech skills gaps.

Leaders back on-the-job learning: read our latest research

In our new research report, we set out to understand how business leaders perceive the value of on-the-job learning, and how employers can harness its power in their hiring and skills development strategies.

We found leaders are twice as likely to prioritise durable skills over higher education achievements when assessing applicants for entry-level roles.

But despite this, almost half (48%) of respondents revealed that, when recruiting candidates for entry-level positions, their company still has degree requirements.

We’re calling on businesses to embrace a new approach, one that looks to a future that’s radically more equitable and successful. Professional apprenticeships train the next generation of leaders through the transformative power of real work experience.

Talk to us

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Team Multiverse

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