TestFor Individuals

Safeguarding Policy

Introduction, Scope and Purpose

Safeguarding is an all-encompassing term used to describe many aspects of keeping our apprentices safe, which includes:

Apprentice health, safety, and wellbeing

  1. Child protection
  2. Protection of adults at risk
  3. Bullying, harassment, and discrimination including racial abuse
  4. Self-harm
  5. Abuse and neglect
  6. Domestic violence
  7. Safety from sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation and forced marriage
  8. Alcohol, drug, and substance misuse
  9. E-safety including all aspects of electronic communication
  10. Financial exploitation
  11. Protecting people from radicalisation and extremism
  12. The security and safety of Multiverse’s premises or the apprentice’s place of learning

This Multiverse policy covers all apprentices regardless of location and covers all aspects of our apprenticeship programmes. All Multiverse staff will take responsibility to understand their role in supporting safeguarding across all aspects of provision and for familiarising themselves with the appropriate procedures and other policies that support this overarching document.

Key Principles

Multiverse operates within the following key principles:

  1. All people are treated with respect and courtesy by staff and apprentices in an environment free from harassment or discrimination.
  2. All learning environments, communal areas, facilities, and equipment comply with legislative health and safety standards.
  3. Multiverse works with apprentices and other agencies to promote a safe and healthy culture.
  4. Multiverse develops partnerships to proactively protect apprentices at risk of abuse, neglect or at risk of radicalisation.
  5. Staff are trained and have a clear understanding of personal safety and good safeguarding practices, as well as what factors may make apprentices vulnerable to a range of safeguarding concerns.
  6. Multiverse works with apprentices to promote their own personal health, well-being and safety including their safety online.
  7. Multiverse works proactively to raise awareness of radicalisation and extremism to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.
  8. Apprentices receive confidential advice, guidance, and support for a range of issues that they may face. They are signposted to external agencies when specialist support is required.

Multiverse supports apprentices in having personal resilience, and being able to make informed and sensible decisions about their safety and wellbeing to prevent them from being exploited and or abused.

Hybrid and remote working

Hybrid and remote working is essential for the delivery of our programmes. Multiverse staff are reminded of our codes of conduct and are expected to follow these without exception.

Online sessions will only be delivered through authorised platforms and assessments will be taken to assess any risks with appropriate actions taken to minimise harm.

Multiverse staff will where possible be in a neutral area where nothing personal or inappropriate can be seen or heard in the background. Only Multiverse accounts will be used to communicate via email or online platforms, never personal accounts.

Staff accessing apprentice contact details at home will ensure they comply fully with GDPR.

Apprentices will be spending more time online due to social distancing and so regular advice about the benefits and risks of the online world is advised.

Apprentices’ Entitlement

To promote a healthy and safe environment, our apprentices are entitled to the following:

  1. The right to make a disclosure to any member of staff and know that the disclosure will be dealt with quickly, sensitively, and appropriately.
  2. To learn in an environment free from bullying or harassment.
  3. To be aware of strategies and actions to keep themselves safe at work, in learning or online.
  4. To be aware of the basic principles of safe learning and safeguarding relevant to the programme that the apprentice is completing.
  5. To be aware of how to access support on personal health and safety issues either within Multiverse or from outside agencies.
  6. To have up to date information about personal safety issues.
  7. The opportunity to comment and feedback on the extent to which Multiverse and programmes promote and maintain well-being and personal safety.
  8. Learn about interpersonal and communication skills that promote and establish a welcoming, safe, and respectful environment.

Strands of Activity

The safeguarding efforts of Multiverse are supported by the following core strands of activity, where relevant, working procedures and other policy documents have been signposted within this section.

Safe learning

The principles of the ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ and safeguarding agendas are embedded within Multiverse’s teaching and learning practices and within Multiverse’s quality assurance and quality improvement frameworks. Safe recruitment practices are implemented as outlined in the relevant section of this policy.

Multiverse is committed to engaging apprentices on issues related to financial, mental, and physical health and wellbeing – in order to improve their quality of life. The aim is to provide apprentices with the tools to make healthy and safe decisions.

Multiverse’s commitment to safe learning is protected within the following policies and procedural documents: the quality assurance and quality improvement strategy; disciplinary procedure and as appropriate HR policies and procedures.

Safe environment

Multiverse provides an environment that is safe and secure for all users, whilst at the same time is friendly and welcoming. Multiverse follows strict regulations for authorised entry only for staff and registration processes for visitors. A culture of respect that is free from bullying and harassment is engendered. Health and safety are of paramount importance and must never be compromised or shortcut as such all facilities and resources comply with legislative requirements for health and safety

Multiverse’s commitment to the safe environment is enshrined within the following policy and procedure documents: the Health and Safety Policy and manual; the IT Acceptable Use Policy for apprentices and the Incident Reporting Procedures.

Safe recruitment

Multiverse complies with best practice in the recruitment and training of its staff, in line with legislative requirements. All staff undergo the appropriate pre-employment checks including DBS checks for their role and undertake mandatory safeguarding training appropriate to their role. Staff understand the principles of safe working practices, as outlined in the Multiverse Health and Safety Policy and how not to put themselves in situations that compromise themselves or apprentices. All new starters receive an appropriate induction, including safeguarding training.

Safeguarding apprentices

Multiverse has a legal obligation to protect young people and vulnerable adults from abuse. Multiverse has an appropriately trained Designated Safeguarding Lead, Safeguarding Executive, Safeguarding Associate, and deputies that form a ‘safeguarding team’ who ensure that disclosures made by apprentices are dealt with quickly, sensitively, and appropriately. All staff are trained in the appropriate response to an apprentice’s disclosure and the correct procedure for dealing with concerns about an apprentice. This process is regularly updated to allow for new information and processes to be put in place as and when appropriately required. Teams work with apprentices to proactively protect them from abuse and neglect and prevent apprentices being placed in an abusive situation. Multiverse’s commitment to the protection of young people and vulnerable adults is protected within the Safeguarding Procedure.

Preventing people from being drawn into terrorism

Multiverse has certain duties preserved within the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015*. All staff are aware of their Prevent duties and Multiverse has robust processes in place to respond to concerns about apprentices and staff members. Apprentices are aware they can explore and discuss issues in a safe and open environment with their coach.

Multiverse’s commitment to Prevent is encapsulated within the Prevent Policy, risk assessment and action plan and has been incorporated into the IT Acceptable Use Policy and Safeguarding procedures.


Links with external agencies

Multiverse works with Local Safeguarding Children Boards, the Local Authority Designated Officer, the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub and other professions to ensure a comprehensive safeguarding network is in place. Advice is taken from professionals within these organisations as appropriate.

Key Responsibilities

The Senior Designated Person – is the CEO. He is ultimately responsible for ensuring that safeguarding processes and procedures are robust and consistently applied and that Multiverse fulfils its legal duties as enshrined within the legislation.

The Deputy Senior Designated Person – is the Chief of Staff who is responsible for ensuring that safe recruitment practice is embedded and implemented across Multiverse, that personnel records are accurately maintained and that all staff have received appropriate training and development. They are the first point of contact for complaints made against staff and will liaise with the DSL on all such matters.


Multiverse Delivery staff with concerns related to an apprentices physical safety or wellbeing must be reported using the Multiverse Safeguarding Disclosure form.

All others, including those external to Multiverse, should report their concerns by emailing safeguarding@multiverse.io, or calling the dedicated Safeguarding number +44 (0) 7484 091 148.

Contact Details

  1. Designated Safeguarding Lead Claire Hearsey
  2. Safeguarding Executive Meelie Thorpe

  3. Safeguarding Associate
    Kabira Sharpe

  4. The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
    1. Tobes Williams
    2. Aaron Crudge
    3. Anna-Line Massot

  5. Community Dedicated Safeguarding phone: +44 7484 091148
  6. Dedicated Safeguarding email: Safeguarding@multiverse.io
  7. The Safeguarding Disclosure Form is here.

Local Authorities

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) RBKC and WestminsterAqualma Daniel 

Email: Aqualma.Daniel@rbkc.gov.uk || Phone: 07870481712

Local Safeguarding Children Partnership for Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster

First Floor, Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NXTel: 07739 315 388web: www.rbkc.gov.uk/lscp

Local Children’s Social Services are as follows:

Children’s Social Services Westminster 020 7641 4000 accesstochildrensservices@westminster.gov.uk

Children’s Social Services Kensington 020 7361 3013 socialservices@rbkc.gov.uk

Children’s Social Services Hammersmith 020 8753 6600 familyservices@lbhf.gov.uk

FGM Hotline 0800 028 3550

All employees - have a responsibility for completing their training, familiarising themselves with Keeping Children Safe in Education: safeguarding information for all staff, the Safeguarding Procedure, the Prevent Policy and any other related safeguarding policies and procedures. They are also responsible for ensuring they understand their own role in the promotion of safeguarding and the appropriate action to be taken should they receive a disclosure or have concerns about an apprentice.

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