TestFor Individuals

Reasonable Adjustments Policy


The Reasonable Adjustments Policy provides definition and examples of Reasonable Adjustments
which may occur for a apprentice or group of apprentices during an assessment. This procedure
does not constitute contractual terms and conditions. Multiverse reserves the right to amend any
provision of this procedure subsequent to appropriate consultation.

Defining Reasonable Adjustments

Multiverse recognise that apprentices who have a permanent or temporary disability, specific learning needs or medical condition might need extra support to help them complete the programme.

To ensure that apprentices’ results reflect their achievement in the assessment, Multiverse understands they might also need a different assessment method or an adaptation to the usual one. This is defined as a reasonable adjustment.

Multiverse cannot and will not attempt to change the assessment standards or criteria, however they will take action to give apprentices a fair and equal chance of demonstrating their knowledge, skills and understanding to achieve the assessment standards.

What is ‘reasonable’ will depend on the individual circumstances, the impact of the disability on the individual, cost implications and the practicality and effectiveness of the adjustment as well as rules and regulations set by external awarding organisations.

Adjustments to assessment must:

  1. Not make the assessment easier
  2. Not give the Apprentice an unfair advantage
  3. Not alter or simplify the requirements of the apprenticeship standard
  4. Be based on the individual need of the Apprentice
  5. Be auditable and capable of being internally and externally quality assured
  6. Preferably reflect the Apprentice’s normal way of working
  7. Give a realistic indication to a potential employer of what the Apprentice is able to do

The flexible nature of Multiverse’s qualifications and programmes means that reasonable adjustments can be made if the appropriate conditions (set by individual awarding bodies) have been met.

Reasonable adjustments may involve:

  1. Changing standard assessment arrangements, e.g. allowing apprentices extra time to complete the assessment where centres give a deadline
  2. Adapting assessment materials e.g. providing materials electronically
  3. Access arrangements or use of a separate room
  4. Providing extra support or aids (e.g. - readers or scribes)
  5. Use of word processing or other assistive technology.
  6. Changing the visual appearance of the assessment software to better suit the apprentice’s needs

Defining Special Considerations

A special consideration is defined by Multiverse as a specific form of adjustment that can be made regarding the completion of an assessment. A special consideration request can be made to an awarding organisation to request that they amend or consider amending a grade or mark in the in the assessment to reflect an extenuating circumstance that has impacted the apprentice’s performance or to request that an awarding organisation take an extenuating circumstance into account when an assessment is marked ahead of that assessment being completed.

Special considerations may not be used in cases of apprentices with long term disabilities or additional learning needs. If an apprentices performance in an assessment has the potential to be impacted by a disability or additional learning need, a reasonable adjustment request should be made to the relevant awarding organisation.

Special considerations may be made in order to support apprentices who’s completion of a programme or qualification has been impacted by extenuating circumstances. These are defined as any serious external factor outside of the control of the apprentice that has impacted their ability to complete the programme or qualification or has impacted their performance during it.

Common examples of extenuating circumstances include injury, illness and bereavement. However, a wide range of other factors may constitute extenuating circumstances and ultimately, the decision on whether or a not a situation can be classified as an extenuating circumstance will lie with the awarding organisation for the programme or qualification being completed.


Multiverse is obligated to request approval of reasonable adjustments or special considerations by contacting directly the relevant awarding organisation in accordance with their requirements.

For degree apprenticeships, our awarding body NCHNL has the final decision on the reasonable adjustment request or approval of an extenuating circumstance.

Any adjustment to an assessment must be supported by evidence which is sufficient, auditable, valid and reliable and supports the decision to put reasonable adjustments in place. This evidence will be securely stored by Multiverse after the assessment has taken place for auditing purposes. The decision on whether or not the submitted evidence is suitable to support the reasonable adjustment or special consideration request will lie with external assessment lead and apprentice support lead.


The outcome of the request of reasonable adjustments or special considerations is purely at the discretion of the relevant awarding organisation.

The awarding organisation will aim to contact Multiverse with their decision within 5-10 working days of the receipt of a reasonable adjustment request. They will then decide whether to approve, amend or decline the request based on the documentation and evidence submitted.


While the use of reasonable adjustments and special considerations are designed to assist apprentices with specific additional needs, these adjustments may not alter the criteria of any assessment in any way. The criteria of the apprenticeship standard must still be applied.


Awarding organisations allow appeals against a decline of a request for reasonable adjustments or special considerations.

The appeal procedures are established internally by each awarding organisation and the stages of the procedures may vary.

Any appeal against a decline of a request for reasonable adjustments or special considerations must be supported by objective evidence to demonstrate why the request for reasonable adjustments or special considerations should have been approved.


Multiverse understands that failure to comply with the guidance regarding adjustments to assessments set out by relevant awarding organisations has the potential to constitute malpractice and may lead to the awarding organisation withholding or discounting the apprentice’s result.

Failure to comply is defined as any or all of the following:

  1. Putting adjustments or arrangements into place without seeking prior approval from the awarding organisation
  2. Exceeding the allowances of adjustments agreed with the awarding organisation
  3. Agreeing adjustments or arrangements that are not supported by evidence
  4. Failure to maintain records of reasonable adjustments and special considerations for audit
  5. Where required, failing to report on adjustments that have been internally approved or applied

Malpractice in relation to the application of reasonable adjustments or special considerations will be dealt with in accordance with the Multiverse Malpractice and Maladministration Policy.

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