TestFor Individuals

Prevent Policy

Introduction and Context

Prevent* is a strand of the Government’s counter terrorism strategy (CONTEST). The UK faces a range of terrorist threats.  Threats are not limited to the threat from religious extremists and we, therefore, need to be mindful of all potential threats to which our apprentices are exposed. All terrorist groups who pose a threat to us seek to recruit and radicalise individuals to their cause.

Nationally Prevent’s objectives are:

  1. tackle the ideological causes of terrorism
  2. intervene early to support people susceptible to radicalisation
  3. enable people who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate

*Prevent duty guidance:Guidance for specified authorities in England and Wales

The UK has a system of threat levels which represents the likelihood of an attack in the near future. The five levels are:

  1. LOW means an attack is highly unlikely
  2. MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely
  3. SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is likely
  4. SEVERE means an attack is highly likely
  5. CRITICAL means an attack is highly likely soon

The current threat level can be found here.

The Government’s Counter Terrorism and Security Act places certain duties on further and higher education institutions in relation to the prevention of radicalisation and extremism. This policy seeks to ensure that the Multiverse meets the expectations of this legislation.

Private Apprenticeship Providers are major education providers for the 16-25-year-old age group, who are particularly vulnerable to radicalisation. They have an integral part to play in fostering a set of shared ‘British Values’ and promoting community cohesion.

The government’s own definition of extremism as contained within the Prevent Strategy will be the definition used within this policy and is:

“Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces.”

Aims of the Prevent policy

This policy has the following aims:

  1. To promote and reinforce a set of shared values, founded on tolerance and respect for others.
  2. To create a safe space for free and open debate.
  3. To promote a sense of community cohesion both within Multiverse and within its wider external community.
  4. To ensure that apprentices are safe and that we reduce permissive environments, and create an environment that is free from bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
  5. To identify and support apprentices who may be at risk from radicalisation and to be able to signpost them to further external sources of support where appropriate.
  6. To ensure that staff are aware of their responsibilities under this policy and can recognise and respond to vulnerable apprentices, and report any concerns in a timely manner.

This policy should be read in conjunction with Multiverse’s Safeguarding Policy, Speakers and Events Policy,  and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

Defining British Values

British values are defined by the Government as:

  1. democracy.
  2. the rule of law.
  3. individual liberty.
  4. mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith.

“Complying with the Prevent duty is a statutory responsibility for all education and training providers. Learners and staff are expected to understand the Prevent duty, keeping safe from extremism and radicalisation and British values which are defined in the statutory Prevent duty guidance document as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs. However, the Prevent duty and British values are also important topics to explore with learners in their own right. We all know that extremism of all sorts presents a real danger in our society. It is important to remember that the Prevent duty covers all forms of extremism and to make sure that this is clear to your learners. British values are defined as democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. The Prevent duty also reminds providers of the need to promote the Equality duty to learners.”

Selina Stewart

Lead Associate for Prevent duty support


Managing risks and responding to events

Embedding values within Multiverse

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, the values of respect and tolerance are embedded in all teaching and learning sessions. This is supported by additional tutorials where necessary on a range of subjects that support values and values-based decision making. Coaches are empowered to encourage open and safe debate.

Coordination and overall responsibilities

The Designated Safeguarding Lead for Multiverse has overall responsibility for the coordination of Prevent activities. They are supported by the CEO and Chief of Staff who takes the operational senior lead to Prevent implementation.

Partnership and working with other agencies

Multiverse fosters good working relationships with other agencies including local authorities, police and the regional Prevent coordinator. Multiverse will share information with external agencies as appropriate to safeguard apprentices.

Risk assessment

Multiverse undertakes annual prevent risk assessments. This risk assessment and subsequent action plans are reviewed on an biannual basis by the Designated Safeguarding Lead who carries oversight responsibility to prevent activities within Multiverse.

Staff training

All members of staff who have contact with Apprentices complete Prevent training; this is also extended to include the prevention of radicalisation and extremism awareness training. Training enables staff to identify and understand factors that make people vulnerable to being drawn into extremism and the knowledge of Multiverse processes and procedures to report concerns. This forms a mandatory element of their training.

Partner Providers

Multiverse carries out due diligence with all partner providers.  Where required, partner providers are given appropriate training and /or guidance by Multiverse, which forms part of the Safeguarding and Equality and Diversity Declaration provided by partners and forms part of our partner assessment processes and procedures.

The distribution of leaflets and other literature within Multiverse

Prior to any literature being distributed in Multiverse from external agencies or by apprentices when this literature is not related to their programme of study, the permission of the Head of Department, or in their absence the Director of Communications should be sought.

Speakers and events within Multiverse

Multiverse welcomes and actively encourages guest speakers and external agencies as a powerful mechanism to enrich the learning and wider learning experience. However, Multiverse will refuse entry to those speakers whose values are contrary to their own and who may be wishing to engage with them as a mechanism to promote extremist views.

Guest speakers are, in the main, booked and authorised by the Community Events team, however, if staff are unsure about the validity of speakers or organisations wishing to host events at Multiverse, advice should be sought from the Director of Communications and/or Designated Safeguarding Lead.

External agencies wishing to hold an event at Multiverse should provide at least a month’s notice and be willing to share an outline of the event and presentational content prior to the event.

Further advice and procedures for the management of events and speakers are contained within the Speakers and Events Policy.

Online safety

Multiverse employs web filtering intended to stop apprentices accessing inappropriate material whilst on the premises. This is encapsulated in the Multiverse IT Acceptable Use Policy and breaches of the policy will be dealt with in accordance with the staff and apprentice disciplinary procedures. Multiverse continues to promote online safety and educate apprentices about safe and responsible internet use.

Multiverse proactively monitors attempts to access sites that are deemed unsuitable and extremist. The action is taken where this raises concerns about a student.


Reporting concerns about vulnerable apprentices

Multiverse Delivery staff with concerns specifically related to apprentices who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, or being drawn into terrorism, must be reported using the Multiverse Safeguarding Disclosure form.

All others, including those external to Multiverse, must report their concerns by emailing safeguarding@multiverse.io, or calling the dedicated Safeguarding number +44 (0) 7484 091 148.

Making a referral to Channel or other agencies

The Designated Safeguarding Lead will decide as to whether concerns should be raised with an external agency. The Designated Safeguarding Lead may decide to call a special meeting of the CEO and Senior Leadership Team to discuss concerns, make a referral to Channel and monitor issues.  A referral will be assessed by the Channel coordinator and the local authority.  If suitable the case will then be discussed to decide if support is necessary.



All members of staff who have Apprentice Contact, are responsible for undertaking training on preventing radicalisation and extremism, for making themselves aware of the procedures contained within this document and for promoting fundamental British values as part of their day-to-day activity.

Designated Safeguarding Lead

The Designated Safeguarding Lead has overall strategic responsibility for the implementation of this policy, the Prevent Duty, and for reporting concerns to external agencies as appropriate.  The DSL is fully supported by the CEO in all of the above matters.

Regional Prevent Coordinators

Contact: Jennie Fisher

Email: jennie.fisher@education.gov.uk

Telephone: 07880 469 588

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