TestFor Individuals

Apprentice code of conduct


This code of conduct is designed to support apprentices in bringing the best version of themselves to their Multiverse journey. It will explore how Multiverse expects apprentices to behave at work, during sessions, at Multiverse events, whilst representing Multiverse and online using Appli.ed, Slack and other Multiverse platforms.

It should be used as a guide in how to build professional relationships, the foundations for a successful career. In contrast to school, where the rules and boundaries are clear, this guide should help you navigate the grey areas of the working world and help you present your best self in any professional context.

The apprenticeship community is dynamic; constantly growing and evolving because we have new apprentices joining and old apprentices completing their programme, every day of the week. We need to make sure that everyone feels welcome and included. And we would like all apprentices to see this as their responsibility as much as it is ours.

We have built this code of conduct to (a) maintain a safe environment with regards to safeguarding, (b) create an inclusive and welcoming community and (c) to establish clear guidelines for building relationships and navigating  work.

Multiverse apprentice values and behaviours

Multiverse is building an outstanding alternative to university, to accelerate the careers of a diverse group of future leaders. As the face of Multiverse, apprentices are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to live the Multiverse values. We’ve included some examples to get you started.

We are all owners
We think about the impact of our actions on our company, Multiverse and the wider apprentice community

  1. What does this mean in practice? Setting high standards for yourself when completing your assignments, at work or when representing Multiverse.

Good people win
We believe that respect flows both ways; we are approachable, warm and responsive

  1. What does this mean in practice? You are respectful and kind to the people you meet during the apprenticeship, e.g. your coach, your employer, Multiverse team and other apprentices. Kindness is contagious.

We put others first
We go above and beyond to create an exceptional service and experience for our community.

  1. What does this mean in practice? Going above and beyond to make a new member of the community feel welcome at an event.

Upholding company values
We are committed members of our teams and companies, upholding their values in everything we do.

  1. What does this mean in practice? Being aware of your employer’s values and culture and representing your employer well, alongside the Multiverse values.

Integrity is paramount
We stand by our morals and principles in everything we do

  1. What does this mean in practice? It means questioning what you observe or experience, if it is not benefiting the wider community.

We are honest but kind
Direct feedback delivered with kindness helps others reach their full potential

  1. What does this mean in practice? You are open to and ask for feedback often. You shout about the successes of your fellow apprentices, using their successes to change perceptions.

We are results driven
We pursue excellence in everything we do, energising and inspiring others through the standards we set.

  1. What does this mean in practice? You are focused on completing your apprenticeship to a high standard and maintaining your 20% off the job log.

Code of conduct

The code of conduct and behaviour provides guidelines for interactions during your apprenticeship.

Relationships and socialising

As a Multiverse apprentice you have the opportunity to meet other apprentices and different members of the Multiverse team on a regular basis. To create an inclusive and professional community, we must adhere to these guidelines and hold others to account for doing so too.

Your coach

Your coach delivers learning, monitors progress and sets mandatory independent work. Coaches provide professional and pastoral support and ensure your employer maintains a healthy, safe work environment. Your coach’s mission is to deliver an inspiring, rewarding and enjoyable apprenticeship. They expect the utmost commitment, professionalism and hard work from you too.

Multiverse team members

There will be occasions where Multiverse team members attend apprentice events. It is important that these relationships remain professional at all times. Once the event has ended, you are welcome to remain connected in a professional capacity, e.g. on LinkedIn. Socialising with staff is considered a breach of privacy, please respect their boundaries and right to privacy.

Other apprentices

We actively encourage you to build and maintain your apprentice network. We put on regular apprentice networking events because we know how important it is to have people to share this experience with. Like any community, there will be people you get on better with and others you find more difficult to interact with. Whoever you are engaging with, you must treat everyone with respect. There is a list of unacceptable behaviours below which you should avoid.

Debates amongst the community

You may end up in discussions about sensitive topics. These are typically topics which are more likely to cause differing or opposing reactions amongst individuals e.g. politics, religion and finance. We don’t ask that you avoid these topics, we ask that you have these conversations in a sensitive manner. If you think you have made someone feel uncomfortable then stop the conversation. If you want to have conversations like these, set boundaries at the beginning of a conversation to manage expectations of others. If you offend someone, take the time to apologise to them.


Some of the events, particularly our networking events, allow the consumption of alcohol for those over the age of 18. If you are under 18, you will not be served alcoholic drinks and you will not be permitted to accept alcohol from others. Please see our misuse of substances policy here.

We ask that you conduct yourselves in a mature and professional manner, and do not drink excessively. If you are someone who is unable to drink alcohol and remain professional, then please refrain from drinking at all. If you do behave inappropriately as a result of alcohol you may not be able to attend networking events in the future.

There are also many reasons why someone might not want to drink alcohol, e.g. health, religion, cost. We ask that you respect the decisions of those who decide not to drink.

Every event will have a clear end time. Multiverse will not be responsible for apprentices after this time. It is the responsibility of the apprentice to make arrangements for travel to and from such events (unless prior arrangement has been made, e.g travelling outside London).

Unacceptable behaviours

As apprentices you must take responsibility for ensuring that you conduct yourself in a professional manner, which represents Multiverse, your employer and yourself positively. This should be read in conjunction with our Bullying and Harassment Policy. This is a non-exhaustive list;

  1. Violence or threats of violence toward another person
  2. Incitement of violence towards any individual, including encouraging a person to commit suicide or to engage in self-harm
  3. Offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neurotype, physical appearance, body, age, race, ethnicity, nationality, language or religion. Unwelcome comments regarding a person’s lifestyle choices and practices, including those related to food and health
  4. Deliberate misgendering or use of names that they no longer wish to be called
  5. Conversations or presentations that involve racism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia,, classism, fatphobia, body shaming or colourism
  6. Deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, taking pictures or recording without permission
  7. Sustained disruption of talks or other events
  8. Inappropriate physical contact or sexual attention
  9. Inappropriate social contact, such as requesting or assuming inappropriate levels of intimacy with others
  10. Deliberate “outing” of any aspect of a person’s identity without their consent except as necessary to protect other members or other vulnerable people from intentional abuse
  11. Sharing private communication without permission
  12. Drinking alcohol to excess at events to the point that you can no longer behave professionally
  13. Use of illegal drugs on any occasion
  14. Drinking alcohol if you are under 18 years old

Attendance and cancellation

Attendance for all programme sessions is a core requirement for your apprenticeship qualification. Attendance is needed to give us the assurances that you are accessing all of the incredible learning content, completing assignments, working on your objectives, and receiving best in class coaching. Further information can be found in our Attendance Policy.

Community events are not mandatory, although we do advise you attend at least one event per quarter to remain connected and supported. However, once you sign up to attend an event, you must follow the same procedures as above in the event of an illness/absence. Failure to follow these procedures may prevent you from attending community events in the future.


Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as your own. For example, failing to cite an author for ideas incorporated into your work, cutting and pasting paragraphs from different websites, and handing in a piece of work from the internet or taken from another person and claiming it as your own. We have a strict plagiarism policy which can be found in your programme handbook. If you’re ever in doubt, ask your Multiverse coach.

Representing Multiverse

When you are representing Multiverse at an event, at a school or even at work you are an ambassador of the brand and a guardian of it’s reputation. Please look after it.

Engaging with young people

Through school events and fairs we engage with a wide range of young people. It is important that we keep in mind that the people we are speaking to are impressionable and we must be professional at all times. We don’t advise, we educate. We offer our experiences as a way of demystifying the apprentice journey. We don’t tell people they shouldn't go to university, we just share this exciting alternative with them.

Wearing branded merchandise

If you are representing Multiverse at an event and are wearing a Multiverse T shirt or other merchandise. Please ensure you have a spare T shirt with you so that you can change into it before you go out - allowing you to enjoy yourself free from the responsibility of representing Multiverse.

Being a Multiverse brand ambassador

Whether you sign up to be an apprentice leader or not, you are all Multiverse ambassadors - people who represent the Multiverse brand to the outside world. Multiverse’s reputation should be important to you, because when you go on to your next job, hiring managers will look at your CV and know that you took part in a Multiverse programme.

Reporting behaviour

At risk apprentices

If you think you or another apprentice is at risk of harm you must contact Multiverse’s safeguarding team immediately. Examples of being at risk of harm :

  1. At risk of physical harm from others or themselves
  2. At risk of verbal or emotional abuse
  3. Mental health or wellbeing is causing unhappiness and difficulty to fulfil job and/or apprentice duties

Multiverse’s safeguarding team: Claire Hearsey, Isobel Barrett, Chloe Barker, Alex Wilkes and George Milton-Mason

Email address: safeguarding@Multiverse.io  Phone number: 07484 091148

Inappropriate behaviour

If you observe inappropriate behaviour please report it immediately to our Apprentice Support Team apprenticesupport@multiverse.io.

Need extra support

If you are struggling to complete your apprenticeship or your job duties as a result of your experiences at home or how you feel, please get in touch and we will try to support you further. In the first instance tell your coach. If for some reason you don’t feel comfortable sharing this with your coach, please contact apprenticesupport@multiverse.io and we will try to find the right person to support your needs.

Want to make a complaint

Although we strive to ensure your apprentice experience is of a high quality. If for some reason it falls below the high standard you expect, please let us know by emailing apprenticesupport@multiverse.io and we will try to rectify the situation. 

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