TestFor Individuals

Attendance, absence and withdrawal policy


This policy outlines the responsibilities of Multiverse and the apprentice for apprentices’ attendance, absence and withdrawal during an apprenticeship. The Multiverse commitment statement, signed by the apprentice and Multiverse, sets out clearly the expectation to attend all sessions and to be punctual.

Multiverse reserves the right to amend any provision of this procedure subsequent to appropriate consultation.

Multiverse will:

  1. Keep accurate attendance records and use these to identify apprentices at risk of dropping out (withdrawal)
  2. Work closely with the apprentice and employer to ensure barriers to apprentices being punctual to Multiverse sessions are removed as far as possible
  3. Support apprentices and employers in the event of an Agreed Break in Learning
  4. Determine, within 28 days of an apprentice leaving training, their intention to continue the apprenticeship
  5. Encourage and support apprentices in finding alternative employment if required
  6. Confirm withdrawal in writing to the apprentice (to the last known address) should the apprenticeship leave early without completing

Multiverse will also make clear the responsibilities of the Apprentice, which are to:

  1. Make every reasonable effort to attend Multiverse sessions on time as long as fit to do so
  2. Advise the Multiverse coach/lead tutor when appropriate if unable to attend as early as possible

Advise a Multiverse coach/lead tutor about annual leave when it is booked

Principles for escalating issues relating to absence and lateness for Multiverse delivery sessions:

  1. As a first step, attempt to resolve with the apprentice, allowing for reasonable circumstances as communicated by the apprentice;
  2. Re-contract with the apprentice if lateness continues, making clear the expectations and consequences;
  3. Escalate to the line manager to understand the implications and ensure the apprentice is clear lateness also impacts on their job role;
  4. Multiverse to continue to contact the apprentice prior to sessions, giving reminders to ensure the apprentice is clear when sessions are happening;
  5. Identify further interventions as discussed in the weekly Multiverse apprentice ‘at risk’ meeting;
  6. In extreme cases and after agreed interventions have been put in place, discuss removing the apprentice from their apprenticeship. This should be agreed with the Programme Lead/Director and Head of Pathway. In the case of degree apprenticeships, this process should also involve the Director of Advanced Programmes and the Liaison Officer from the awarding body. Confirmation of withdrawal needs to be communicated and confirmed by the awarding body.
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