TestFor Individuals

How We’re Recruiting Diverse Talent Remotely

By Euan Blair

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  1. Why we’re increasing our investment in remote tools and resources
  2. Finding the Best Talent for Your Roles When You Can’t Meet Them Face-to-Face
  3. Virtual support for candidates in the interview process
  4. Let us know how we can help

For many teams, the rapid transition to remote work will come with new and unfamiliar challenges. However, in the longer term, a strong remote hiring process may prove to be a valuable business asset.

At WhiteHat, we’re fortunate to have an extensive network of schools, colleges and mission aligned organisations who can help us engage young talent without having face-to-face contact. Every month, our Educational Outreach Newsletter and Vacancies Bulletin reaches over 400 schools, colleges and youth organisations with targeted and relevant content that teachers, careers advisers and youth workers can use remotely with young people.

Why we’re increasing our investment in remote tools and resources

Using remote tools like Zoom and Slack, we are also providing a Teachers & Advisers webinar with partner schools and colleges. Recently, we held a virtual parents evening with HR and line managers at Morgan Stanley to put potential apprentices at ease by walking them through the available roles and the application process.

These virtual workshops deliver the same advice, content and engagement you would see at one of our signature in-person events—the feeling of connection is very much present (even if the actual connection is digital).

Of course, technology will prove to be even more important to business continuity now and in the future. We continue to work closely with our partner Generation UK to ensure our Tech Talent Accelerator Programme continues in a manner that is safe for participants and delivers high quality digital skills training.

This diverse group of digitally confident future leaders will prove to be even more instrumental as we move forward into the post-COVID 19 world.

Finding the Best Talent for Your Roles When You Can’t Meet Them Face-to-Face

Now more than ever, it’s important to ensure candidates have all the support they need to continue to develop their skills and prepare themselves for the future.

At WhiteHat, our virtual assessment and career guidance for candidates are proving to be more valuable than we could have imagined. In the days ahead, we will be increasing the delivery of remote workshops and webinars to ensure candidates remain engaged, feel supported and continue to develop important professional skills.

Virtual support for candidates in the interview process

We’ve been assessing candidates via in-house virtual assessments since summer 2019. We also help guide candidates through comprehensive interview preparation via downloadable company information guides and virtual prep calls on Google Hangouts.

Candidates can access additional support and preparation through any of our virtual Kick-Off Days, occurring three times per week via Zoom. We are also offering upskilling and bespoke career advice through our mini series ‘Unleash Your Potential’ (also delivered via Zoom) to support candidates on their journey to securing a job offer.

We have been testing virtual delivery for our Software Engineering apprenticeship since summer 2019 and are capable of assessing technical competency through our tried-and-tested in-house assessment process. Our Software Engineering Kick-Off Day launches this month and will continue to occur monthly to meet the growing demand for software engineering candidates. The entire process runs on remote tools Zoom and Coderpad.

Additionally, we are offering bespoke virtual engagement sessions throughout the year to keep engaging and upskilling candidates throughout the year for employers who want to hire now with a delayed start date.

Let us know how we can help

At WhiteHat, we know it’s our job to help you succeed come what may. We are taking action to help our customers get their businesses ready for the day COVID-19 is behind us.

There’s quite a bit of change to keep up with, and while we don’t know exactly what tomorrow will bring, you can expect to see the same level of care, attention and service you’re used to seeing from the WhiteHat team.

The COVID-19 outbreak could change the talent landscape for the foreseeable future, and both employers and apprentices are going to need help navigating this environment. We will continue to share resources and expert advice for how to continue to build diverse, robust teams and position your business for success as life returns to normal.

In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any help. We’re in this together.

Euan Blair

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