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How Fujitsu Saved Time and Improved Customer Outcomes by Embedding Data Expertise via the Data Academy

By Alex Hopley

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  1. The academy has not only upskilled employees, it’s saved the business valuable time
  2. The benefits of improving and refining data skillsets via apprenticeships cascade down to customers
  3. Apprenticeships provide employees with the skills they need to unlock opportunities
  4. Learning data skills has empowered employees to manage and report on projects more effectively

Fujitsu identified the need for employees across the business to increase their expertise in data to prepare the organisation for the future of work. The Data Academy was able to deliver on this need and provide employees with valuable development opportunities, with 91% of apprentices from this cohort receiving an increase in responsibility, promotion or pay rise upon completion of the programme.

The academy has not only upskilled employees, it’s saved the business valuable time

The programme isn’t about shaving half an hour off specific tasks, it’s about getting entire days back as a result of automation and programming. Tina Gillett, IT Business Consultant, cut two months off a key project using the skills she gained during the apprenticeship.

“The time saved was significant, with the amount of time I would work on the data going from possibly a couple of days down to only a couple of hours, or in some cases down to less than an hour.” Jordan Lawes, Service Desk Technical Specialist

Justin Allen, Capacity & Availability Architect, agrees: “I would say it’s saved around three to four hours a week. The biggest impacts are that the reporting is now standardised, so all reports going to the customer have a similar format. Where possible dashboards have been made available internally and to the customer so the information is available instantly rather than waiting for a static report at the end of the week or month.”

The benefits of improving and refining data skillsets via apprenticeships cascade down to customers

“I was able to find gaps in the process, add a data element and automate weekly reports to help save money for the customer.” Ryan Evans, Field Device Team Leader

Better management and use of data enables businesses to optimise their customer journeys. Bukky Gibson, Lead Deal Architect, says: “By understanding historical performance on bids, we’re getting a better understanding of how we perform as an organisation with regards to value of bids and the type of solutions we tend to be more successful in.” Nick Leteney, Executive Architect, concurs: “Being able to quickly strip out changes in iterations of customer data is important during bids when there is significant scope for cost change as scope varies.”

Apprenticeships provide employees with the skills they need to unlock opportunities

This elevates their profile within the business and increasing their chances of progression. This level of impact is consistent across other cohorts and businesses, 74% of another recently graduated cohort of Data Fellowship apprentices reported significantly enhanced data capabilities.

Jay Matharu, Innovation Lead, has benefited, with greater exposure within the business: "I have been able to sit in on data strategy and architecture meetings because I further understand data concepts, tools and how they can be used.” Apprenticeships unlock career opportunities for people throughout their career journey, whether they’re just starting their career or they’re experienced in their field of work, for Waleed Omer, Solution Architect, the apprenticeship provided him with the data expertise he needed to feel more confident in his role and find his place in the team: “After starting this course and speaking to my manager, I feel much more confident and satisfied in my role at Fujitsu(opens new window). It shows me that Fujitsu invests in my career development.” Michael Davis, Product Support Consultant believes the apprenticeship is key to preparing for the future of work: "Doing the Data Fellowship apprenticeship with Multiverse has allowed me to develop my data skillset and futureproof my career."

Learning data skills has empowered employees to manage and report on projects more effectively

Tina Gillett, IT Business Consultant, says: “I have a better understanding of how to start projects ensuring I have a good understanding of the outcomes, who the stakeholders are, what their needs are and when this needs to be completed.” Tina continues: “The programme has enabled me to help my team learn about data analysis, and how they can use this in some of their activities. I can provide better reporting which I would have had to ask someone else to do.

The Data Fellowship apprenticeship(opens new window) is able to achieve all this impact by providing industry-leading data training for people in a range of different roles working across business areas, so they can master data wrangling and analysis techniques. It also covers data science, including Python and an introduction to machine learning.

Contact us to find out how we can help you embed data capabilities into your organisation with the Apprenticeship Levy.

Alex Hopley

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