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Report: New stats show UK backs apprenticeships over university

By Team Multiverse

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  1. The case for apprenticeships in 2023

People are four times more likely to think apprenticeships offer young people better job prospects than university.

It's a shift to the long held perception that only a university degree provides young people with the best chance of succeeding in life.

Launched to mark UK National Apprenticeship Week 2023, our new report found that almost half of the public (44%) believe apprenticeships offer young people better job prospects and preparation for the workplace than university, while just one in ten (11%) thinks the opposite.

Almost three quarters of those we surveyed (73%) said they would be happy if a family member decided to take on an apprenticeship, compared to just 17% who said they would prefer them to go to university.

Euan Blair, CEO at Multiverse, said: “This National Apprenticeship Week, it’s great that we continue to see more and more demand for apprenticeships; not only from prospective apprentices themselves, their family members, and wider society, but from a huge volume of employers, both large and small. The contribution apprentices make to businesses and society is enormous – the Government’s own data shows that for every £1 spent on an apprenticeship, more than £28 is put back into the economy.

“Beyond that, apprenticeships are fulfilling the potential of millions of people, diversifying our workforce across the UK, and addressing some of the most critical skills gaps, particularly in digital and tech. Our report provides clear evidence of the opportunities apprenticeships are unlocking in Britain.”

The case for apprenticeships in 2023

Apprenticeships are growing in popularity and prestige with businesses, as the UK’s leading employers embrace them to close skill gaps and build a more equitable future.

In our full report, we outline the new business case for apprenticeships, supported by research findings on how the UK public and SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) perceive the apprenticeships model.

Want to learn how your business could benefit from professional apprenticeships? Download the report or get in touch with our team.

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